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美国初中教育 - 鼓励初中学生开始阅读传记类书籍

2023-05-10 14:56:27

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为什么年轻人应该阅读传记,自传,回忆录和日记? 因为这些读物提供了生活中最宝贵的经验教训。写自传的人通常会有一个有趣的故事来讲述自己的生活的尝试和磨难。每一个生命都有一个开始,中间和结局,一个人如何生活,对那些还处于起步阶段的人来说,应该是非常有意义的。所以我鼓励初中学生在尽量多读 non-fiction 书籍时,应该开始选择传记类读物,培养自己在这方面的习惯。


我曾经在网上看到过一个妈妈的 blog, 我非常同意她的看法,I want to share with you the benefits of reading biographies for our children.

Here they are:

1. It allows them to see the world in new ways. There’s more to life than what they can see out our front door. They can learn vicariously from others whose life is nothing like ours.

2. It teaches them lessons they might not otherwise have learned. Wisdom can be gleaned from other’s life experiences and behaviors. This learning process is often far more satisfying, and more lasting, than reading a list dos and don’ts or steps.

3. It creates empathy and understanding of others. The story of someone who may have lived in a different era or with a different background exposes children to things they may never experience. Reading another’s story helps them to appreciate their differences or find comfort in our sameness.

4. It extends their view into the future. Hearing about what others have accomplished despite their circumstance encourages them to dream. It gives them hope that they can meet the challenges that come their way.

美国有许多为小学生,初中生编写的 biographies and autobiographies, 希望大家鼓励你的孩子多读一些,养成这种习惯会对他们一生都有益,我常常看到我女儿会自己找和买她喜欢的 biographies/autobiographies 来读,最明显实际的好处就是这是她与人聊天的话题,甚至在 interview 和 申请各种 program 时都常常会谈到和用到她曾经看过的故事。这是一个长期积累的过程,不是一二天里可以准备的。

The following list is recommended by the S C H O L A S T I C for grades 6-8.

  1. All Shook Up: The Life and Death of Elvis Presley by Barry Denenberg

  2. And Not Afraid to Dare: The Stories of Ten African-American Women by Tonya Bolden

  3. Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary: A Photographic Remembrance by Rian Verhoeven

  4. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a fugitive Slave by virginia Hamilton

  5. At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess in Victorian England (Exloring Countries) by Walter Dean Myers

  6. Chasing Linclon's Killer: The Search for John Wilkes Booth by James L. Swanson

  7. Confusius: The Golden Rule (Confucius) by Russell Freedman

  8. Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman by Dorothy Sterling

  9. Harry Houdini: Master of Magic by Robert Kraske

  10. Indian Chiefs by Russell Freedman

  11. The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child by Francisco Jemenez

  12. The Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Shot: A Photo History of the Civil Rights Movement by Jim Haskins

  13. The Jacob Ladder by Gerald Hausman, Uton Hinds and Hausman

  14. The Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah Sampson (Scholastic Biography)

Hope you enjoy!



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