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2023-05-10 14:56:27










—— 陈文笠老师

上海新东方教师委员会委员 国内部金牌讲师

—— 赵炎初老师


Section I Use of English

原文来源:Harvard Business Review


原文题目:Companies in Happy Cities Invest More for the Long Term

Happy people work differently. They’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggest that happiness might influence 1 firms work, too.

Companies located in places with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper. 2 , firms in happy places spend more on R&D (research and development). That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking 3 for making investments for the future.

The researchers wanted to know if the 4 and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would 5 the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities’ average happiness 6 by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.

7 enough, firms’ investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were 8 . But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities 9 why firms there spend more on R&D? To find out, the researchers controlled for various 10 that might make firms more likely to invest —like size, industry, and sales—and for indicators that a place was 11 to live in, like growth in wages or population. The link between happiness and investment generally 12 even after accounting for these things.

The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors 13 to “less codified decision making process” and the possible presence of “younger and less 14 managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.” The relationship was 15 stronger in places where happiness was spread more 16 . Firms seem to invest more in places where most people are relatively happy, rather than in places with happiness inequality.

17 this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view, the authors believe it at least 18 at that possibility. It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help 19 how executives think about the future. “It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and 20 R&D more than the average,” said one researcher.

1. A. why B. where C. how D. when

2. A. In return B. In particular C. In contrast D. In conclusion

3. A. sufficient B. famous C. perfect D. necessary

4. A. individualism B. modernism C. optimism D. realism

5. A. echo B. miss C. spoil D. change

6. A. imagined B. measured C. invented D. assumed

7. A. sure B. odd C. unfortunate D. often

8. A. advertised B. divided C. overtaxed D. headquartered

9. A. explain B. overstate C. summarize D. emphasize

10. A. stages B. factors C. levels D. methods

11. A. desirable B. sociable C. reputable D. reliable

12. A. resumed B. held C. emerged D. broke

13. A. attribute B. assign C. transfer D. compare

14. A. serious B. civilized C. ambitious D. experienced

15. A. thus B. instead C. also D. never

16. A. rapidly B. regularly C. directly D. equally

17. A. After B. Until C. While D. Since

18. A. arrives B. jumps C. hints D. strikes

19. A. shape B. rediscover C. simplify D. share

20. A. pray for B. lean towards C. give away D. send act


1-5 CBDCD 6-10 BADAB 11-15 ACADA 16-20 DCCAB

2016年考研英语二阅读的文章难度比去年还是要容易一些。文章的题源秉承了一贯的传统,分别来自《大西洋月刊》(Text 1)、《科学》杂志(Text 2)、《卫报》(Text 3),《大西洋月刊》(Text 4)、《卫报》(Part B)。其中,《大西洋月刊》和《卫报》各选了两篇文章,同学们要对这两本杂志多加关注。


从出题思路上看,这次英语二的阅读和往年一样主旨题只有35题这一道主旨题,剩下的基本都是以细节题、词汇题和推理题为主,换句话说只要找到出题点的那几句话,选出答案就不难了。此外今年的题目的题干中都给出了不少人名、引号中词汇以及段落序号等的定位词,如30题的Jay Lininger,40题目的Schneider,27题的“threatened” tag,可以帮助考生最短的时间内精确定位关键信息源。稍有难度的词汇题25题,就应该运用平时课上教大家的方法,通过逻辑关系,在上下文中去理解它的意思。在错误选项的设计上,如 “部分无中生有”选项, “偷换概念”选项也一直被视为几种最常见错误选项,在英语一和二的考试中也较为常见。

Section II Reading Comprehension

  Part A

  Text 1

原文来源:The Atlantic


原文题目:The Economic Importance of Teaching Coding to Teens

  Its true that high-school coding classes arent essential for learning computer science in college. Students without experience can catch up after a few introductory courses, said Tom Cortina, the assistant dean at Carnegie Mellons School of Computer Science.

  However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial. When younger kids learn computer science, they learn that its not just a confusing, endless string of letters and numbersbut a tool to build apps, or create artwork, or test hypotheses. Its not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students. Breaking down problems into bite-sized chunks and using code to solve them becomes normal. Giving more children this training could increase the number of people interested in the field and help fill the jobs gap, Cortina said.

  Students also benefit from learning something about coding before they get to college, where introductory computer-science classes are packed to the brim, which can drive the less-experienced or -determined students away.

  The Flatiron School, where people pay to learn programming, started as one of the many coding bootcamps thats become popular for adults looking for a career change. The high-schoolers get the same curriculum, but we try to gear lessons toward things they’re interested in,” said Victoria Friedman, an instructor. For instance, one of the apps the students are developing suggests movies based on your mood.

  The students in the Flatiron class probably wont drop out of high school and build the next Facebook. Programming languages have a quick turnover, so the Ruby on Railslanguage they learned may not even be relevant by the time they enter the job market. But the skills they learn —how to think logically through a problem and organize the results—apply to any coding language, said Deborah Seehorn, an education consultant for the state of North Carolina.

  Indeed, the Flatiron students might not go into IT at all. But creating a future army of coders is not the sole purpose of the classes. These kids are going to be surrounded by computers-in their pockets ,in their offices, in their homesfor the rest of their lives, The younger they learn how computers think, how to coax the machine into producing what they want—the earlier they learn that they have the power to do that—the better.

21. Cortina holds that early exposure to computer science makes it easier to _______.

  A. complete future job training

B. remodel the way of thinking

  C. formulate logical hypotheses

  D. perfect artwork production

22. In delivering lessons for high-schoolers, Flatiron has considered their________.

  A. experience

B. interest

  C. career prospects

  D. academic backgrounds

23. Deborah Seehorn believes that the skills learned at Flatiron will ________.

A. help students learn other computer languages

  B. have to be upgraded when new technologies come

  C. need improving when students look for jobs

  D. enable students to make big quick money

24. According to the last paragraph, Flatiron students are expected to ______.

  A. bring forth innovative computer technologies

  B. stay longer in the information technology industry

C. become better prepared for the digitalized world

  D. compete with a future army of programmers

25.The word coax(Line4,Para.6) is closest in meaning to ________.

A. persuade

  B. frighten

  C. misguide

D. challenge


  Text 2




26. The major reason for listing the lesser prairie as threatened is____.

A. its drastically decreased population

  B. the underestimate of the grassland acreage

  C. a desperate appeal from some biologists

  D. the insistence of private landowners

27. The threatenedtag disappointed some environmentalists in that it_____.

  A. was a give-in to governmental pressure

  B. would involve fewer agencies in action

C. granted less federal regulatory power

  D. went against conservation policies

28. It can be learned from Paragraph3 that unintentional harm-doers will not be prosecuted if they_____.

 A. agree to pay a sum for compensation

  B. volunteer to set up an equally big habitat

  C. offer to support the WAFWA monitoring job

  D. promise to raise funds for USFWS operations

29. According to Ashe, the leading role in managing the species in______.

  A. the federal government

  B. the wildlife agencies

  C. the landowners

D. the states

30. Jay Lininger would most likely support_______.

  A. industry groups

  B. the win-win rhetoric

C. environmental groups

D. the plan under challenge


  Text 3

原文来源:The Guardian


原文题目:How to find time to read

31. The usual time-management techniques don’t work because .

A. what they can offer does not ease the modern mind

B. what challenging books demand is repetitive reading

C. what people often forget is carrying a book with them

D. what deep reading requires cannot be guaranteed

32. The “empty bottles” metaphor illustrates that people feel a pressure to .

A. update their to-do lists

B. make passing time fulfilling

C. carry their plans through

D. pursue carefree reading

33. Eberle would agree that scheduling regular times for reading helps .

A. encourage the efficiency mind-set

B. develop online reading habits

C. promote ritualistic reading

D. achieve immersive reading

34. “Carry a book with you at all times” can work if .

A. reading becomes your primary business of the day

B. all the daily business has been promptly dealt with

C. you are able to drop back to business after reading

D. time can be evenly split for reading and business

35. The best title for this text could be .

A. How to Enjoy Easy Reading

B. How to Find Time to Read

C. How to Set Reading Goals

D. How to Read Extensively


  Text 4

原文来源:The Atlantic


原文题目:Even Baby Boomers Think It's Harder to Get Started Than It Used to Be

36. One cross-generation mark of a successful life is .

A. trying out different lifestyles

B. having a family with children

C. working beyond retirement age

D. setting up a profitable business

37. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that young people tend to .

A. favor a slower life pace

B. hold an occupation longer

C. attach importance to pre-marital finance

D. give priority to childcare outside the home

38. The priorities and expectations defined by the young will .

A. become increasingly clear

B. focus on materialistic issues

C. depend largely on political preferences

D. reach almost all aspects of American life

39. Both young and old agree that .

A. good-paying jobs are less available

B. the old made more life achievements

C. housing loans today are easy to obtain

D. getting established is harder for the young

40. Which of the following is true about Schneider?

A. He found a dream job after graduating from college.

B. His parents believe working steadily is a must for success.

C. His parents’ good life has little to do with a college degree.

D. He thinks his job as a technician quite challenging.


  Part B

原文来源:The Guardian


原文题目:Act your shoe size, not your age

  A. Be silly

  B. Have fun

  C. Ask for help

  D. Express your emotions.

  E. Dont overthink it

  F. Be easily pleased

  G. Notice things

Act Your Shoe Size, Not Your Age.

  As adults, it seems that were constantly pursuing happiness, often with mixed results. Yet children appear to have it down to an art-and for the most part they dont need self-help books or therapy. Instead, they look after their wellbeing instinctively and usually more effectively than we do as grownups. Perhaps it’s time to learn a few lessons from them.

  41__ Express your emotions ___.

  What does a child do when hes sad? He cries. When hes angry? He shouts. Scared? Probably a bit of both. As we grow up, we learn to control our emotions so they are manageable and dont dictate our behaviours, which is in many ways a good thing. But too often we take this process too far and end up suppressing emotions, especially negative ones. That’s about as effective as brushing dirt under a carpet and can even make us ill. What we feel appropriately and then-again, like children-move on.

  42___ Be easily pleased ______.

  A couple of Christmases ago, my youngest stepdaughter, who was 9 years old at the time, got a Superman T-shirt for Christmas. It cost less than a fiver but she was overjoyed, and couldnt bigger house or better car will be the magic silver bullet that will allow us to finally be content, but the reality is these things have little lasting impact on our happiness levels. Instead, being grateful for small things every day is a much better way to improve wellbeing.

  43___ Be silly _______.

  Have you ever noticed how much children laugh? If we adults could indulge in a bit of silliness and giggling, we would reduce the stress hormones in our bodies, increase good hormones like endorphins, improve blood flow to our hearts and ever have a greater chance of fighting off infection. All of which would, of course, have a positive effect on our happiness levels.

  44___ Have fun _______.

  The problem with being a grownup is that theres an awful lot of serious stuff to deal with-work, mortgage payments, figuring out what to cook for dinner. But as adults we also have the luxury of being able to control our own diaries and its important that we schedule in time to enjoy the thing we love. Those things might be social, sporting, creative or completely random (dancing around the living room, anyone?)-it doesn’t matter, so long as they’re enjoyable, and not likely to have negative side effects, such as drinking too much alcohol or going on a wild spending spree if you’re on a tight budget.

  45____ Don’t overthink it ______.

Having said all of the above, its important to add that we shouldnt try too hard to be happy. Scientists tell us this can back fire and actually have a negative impact on our wellbeing. As the Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu is reported to have said: Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.” And in that, once more, we need to look to the example of our children, to whom happiness is not a goal but a natural byproduct of the way they live.


Section III Translation


  Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

The supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors. The reason for this is simple: The longer you stay in the store, the more stuff youll see, and the more stuff you see, the more youll buy. And supermarkets contain a lot of stuff. The average supermarket, according to the Food Marketing Institute, carries some 44,000 different items, and many carry tens of thousands more. The sheer volume of available choice is enough to send shoppers into a state of information overload. According to brain-scan experiments, the demands of so much decision-making quickly become too much for us. After about 40 minutes of shopping, most people stop struggling to be rationally selective, and instead began shopping emotionally—which is the point at which we accumulate the 50 percent of stuff in our cart that we never intended buying.




Hi Dear Jack,
Thank you very much for your congratulations and I am more than happy to give you some advice on how to be good at translation. My winning the contest is not just a piece of luck, it is but a long time of hard-working with some useful learning strategies. With regard to hard-working, I wont elaborate too much on it except that one hour a day is the lowest requirement for entry into the translation world. As for the learning strategies, I would like to advise you to do two most important things. The first is that you should read books or articles in the target-language as much as possible, I would recommend, the articles in our well-known websites. The second is that doing part-time jobs as translator or writer. This will help you a lot in getting the practical knowledge you need in translation.
Well, it does require a lot to be a good translator. And I am quite happy to discuss that with you.
Best regards.
Yours sincerely,


There are five items in this percentage chart, which are respectively appreciating scenery, relieving pressure, making new friends, nurturing independence, and the others according to priority.

From this chart, we can see it looks most likely a survey of the benefits from the tour. With the economic growth, the tour becomes increasingly fashionable and common. More and more people choose tour as a recreational way between works. Therefore,we are confronted with the question that what benefits we can get from a tour. For me, the most appealing parts of a tour are appreciating the special scenery and customs of that place and nurturing my ability to be independent. I would rather choose a place with splendid landscape or profound cultural deposits than a heated scenic spots. And to cultivate my ability to search for information and my execution to a plan, I would choose to go to a strange place all by myself.

There are the other benefits from a tour as well as what has been mentioned above. However all these benefits have one thing in common, that is, they can make us happier and more open-minded.





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