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周日书籍群上新5本自传小说(含《泰森的崛起 :The Rise of Mike Tyson, Heavyweight》)

2023-05-10 14:56:27







1. William F. McNeil, “The Rise of Mike Tyson, Heavyweight”

2. Oliver North, Bob Hamer, “American Heroes: On the Homefront (The Hearts of Heroes)”

3. Sally Ride: Life on a Mission (The Real-Life Story) By Sue Macy

4. Sally Ride: America’s First Woman in Space by Lynn Sherr

5. Katie Piper, “Beautiful Ever After”

William F. McNeil, “The Rise of Mike Tyson, Heavyweight”

ISBN: 0786496487 | 2014 | EPUB/PDF | 252 pages | 2 MB/7 MB 

Covering Mike Tyson’s rise through the amateur and professional boxing ranks, this book follows the Brooklyn native from his early years as a young criminal in Brownsville to his 1988 heavyweight unification match with Michael Spinks. The book focuses on the Catskill Boxing Club–where boxing guru Cus D’Amato trained the 210-pound teenager in the finer points of the sport and developed his impregnable defense–and on his home life with D’Amato and surrogate mother Camille Ewald and the other young fighters who lived with them. 

Tyson’s boxing education began in the unauthorized “smokers” held every week in the Bronx, matching his skills against older, more experienced fighters. He won the 1981 Amateur Heavyweight Boxing Championship in Colorado Springs at the age of 14 and repeated the amazing feat the following year. By 1985, finding no other challenging amateur competition, he was forced to join the professional ranks where, in November 1986, he became the youngest heavyweight champion in boxing history. Less than two years later, he unified the crown, establishing himself as one of the most dominant heavyweight fighters the sport had ever seen.

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